How to Adjustment time Mac OS X and Windows (dual boot mac os x and win)

If you dual boot your Windows PC with OS X or Linux, you may have experienced a problem in which your clocks reset themselves incorrectly every time you boot into Windows. Here's a simple registry edit to fix that.

Essentially, the incorrect clock setting happens because OS X and Linux use GMT time while Windows tries to synchronize with your local time zone, getting confused when you reboot between the two. Apple's own Boot Camp drivers for Windows are supposed to fix this problem, though some users have noticed that it still happens even with the drivers installed, and some Linux users are left out in the cold. Furthermore, if you have a Hackintosh, you can't install the Boot Camp drivers, so you'll need to find another way around the problem.

oke first Start Windows and go to registry, open regedit.exe and goto

-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet001 \ Control \ TimeZoneInformation

Right-Click RealTimeUniversal and create a new DWORD (32bit)

- name RealTimeIsUniversal

-Change the value to 1

-Close Regedit

-Reboot and log in to Mac OS X, adjust the time on mac

-Reboot again, enter the Windows ....

-cek whether it is appropriate time ... :-)

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